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gut health

When I was a student at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition I learned about a variety of different things that impact our mental and physical health. One being our microbiome, and I was amazed at just how much our gut impacts everything in our lives. From how we think, how we feel and what diseases we will avoid or catch. Fast forward from graduating from IIN as a certified health coach to 2021 where I discovered more about our inner ecosystem from the company SEED synbiotic.

In an excerpt from SEED University, they share mind-blowing facts about our bodies. “You are a Universe, we are a community of 38 trillion micro-organisms. They represent 50% of you by cell count, we are 50% human and 50% microbes, 100% organism. Microbiome is the genetic material of all of the microbes that live in an ecosystem. Our microbiome weighs 3.5 lbs. about the same as our brains.” What most of us don’t know is that our microbiome’s are completely unique to our own body. How we eat, if we exercise, what medicine’s we take, how we sleep all impact and alter the composition of our microbiome’s everyday.

When we are born we get our very first microbes from our mom’s. We are exposed to them in the vaginal canal, skin to skin contact and breastfeeding. Receiving these foundational microbes is called SEEDING. This process does not stop at birth, for the first few years of our lives, the external environment including nutrition and nature , family members, pets all impact how our microbes develop.

These first microbes colonize our gastrointestinal system and they train your immune system to identify pathogens and viruses. By age 3 our microbial community will stabilize into a steady state. The more diverse our inner microbial world is (the number of unique strains are present) the healthier the person tends to be. “

If we are able to understand how to better our body, our environment and our children’s future wouldn’t you take the steps necessary? To start the process of healing your microbiome we need to assess the physical effects of dysbiosis- (an imbalance between the types of organism present in a person's natural microflora, especially that of the gut, thought to contribute to a range of conditions of ill health, in some conditions, such as Crohn's disease, a link with dysbiosis has been established"

Look for indications of brain fog, stomach bloating for an extended period of time, sugar cravings, skin irritations or constant fatigue. Even when we don’t have obvious symptoms, it is important to look at external factors. How is my diet? Am I eating more processed foods than I should? Am I overly stressed? Am I getting enough sleep? Looking at these key factors and then making actionable changes can reverse an unhealthy microbiome in a few days. Think in terms of flooding the body with a variety of nutrient-dense foods from nature. EAT THE RAINBOW DAILY! Then add a high quality pre & probiotic, I live by SEED synbiotic because of the science backed testing and education they provide on exactly what strands of CFU’s the microbiome actually needs to get the job done. Plus, I have seen incredible changes in my own health. But don’t take my word for it, check out what they are doing SEED . If you are as amazed as I was by this company and you want to start your transformation use my code: NEEDED15 for a discount on your first month supply.