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how long should i breastfeed?

How do you know when it’s the right time to stop breastfeeding? As a society we tend to frown upon mothers still nursing past 9-12 months. As a parent I did not have complications and was able to breastfed both of my daughters. That is not to say it does not come with its challenges. Many times I have been the chosen parent to tend to our little one because she wanted the breast. During my pregnancy and postpartum I experienced lower back pain and severely depleted energy levels.

So what is the best decision for mom, baby and family? First off, I always ask what does mom want? Is she able to give time, energy both physically and mentally to breastfeeding? Does your family unit support you in this decision?


In an article written by Medela they indicate several health benefits for baby including; improved digestion, introducing new flavors to our baby, helps relieve pain during teething. Breastmilk continues to offer baby essential nutrients and protective antibodies past 6 month’s.

Overall, as a parent we have to listen to our intuition and follow the cues of our baby. This is a time for connection and bonding between mom and baby. When we allow things to happen naturally without force the end result is usually the best choice.