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Mothers first days rice porridge

first day’s rice porridge

This heart-warming recipe, which originates from Nepal is simple and nourishing to any new mom in the moments to hours right after birth.

This recipe provides immediate energy to an exhausted mother and stabilizes blood sugar and fats. In many cultures around the world, similar interpretations are prepared, such as congee in Asia, and native american dishes use wild rice and coconut milk cooked for hours, even overnight.

This recipe was given to me while studying with Sarva my teacher at Inner Sun& Moon and I have made this for many new mothers. The reaction a new mothers has to this dish of pure joy alway’s surprises me because the dish is very simple. Yet, I understand how deeply nourishing it can taste and feel inside to a new mom.

I prepare this dish with ghee jaggery and spices to promote digestive fire and provide iron for depleted mamas.


16c water

1 c basmati rice

1/2c succanat or dark jaggery

1/2c ghee

2t ginger powder

2/3 t cinnamon powder

1/2 t clove powder

1/2 t black pepper

2/3 t turmeric

1/2 t cardamom powder

  1. Bring water to a boil in a large heavy pot-avoid aluminum or teflon

  2. Pour water over rice and stir ,rinse and repeat 2-3 times to remove enzyme inhibitors.

  3. Add rice and half of the ghee to the water. Boil, reduce heat to simmer without a lid, stirring occasionally for several hours.

  4. When almost done, add sugar and the spice powders. Continue to cook slowly.

  5. When consistency is gelatinous, serve steaming hot with added ghee (1-2 T).

    +Can be kept in a crock pot and served throughout the day, you may also wish to double the recipe..