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a holistic approach to food

From the beginning of our existence, the food we eat shapes us- literally and figuratively. Let's take into consideration the many factors of how and why we view food in the way we do and our relationship to it.

For example: how did mom eat when they were pregnant with us? Was she eating with a mindfulness practice and nourishing her body with intention? Did our caregivers cook homemade meals growing up or was it fast food every night? Are we stressed out and in a rush when we eat? Do we eat together or in front of a tv alone? Understanding our relationship to food and the impact it can have is the first step in holistic eating. 

Throughout every cycle in our life food (and our relationship to it) plays a significant role in how we think, feel and act. From heavy, painful periods as a teenager to not so pleasant pregnancies to sever symptoms during menopause. What and how we eat shapes our very existence without us having much awareness. Over the centuries the quality of nutrients in our food and our food sources have drastically changed. As we become more advanced as a society we become less connected to our food.

 In the Oxford languages the definition of holistic is: Characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by the reference to the whole. Or simple terms: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than in parts. 

When we approach our relationship to food in a holistic way we consciously take into consideration that everything we eat affects every part of us. 

Use these easy tips when integrating a holistic relationship to food:

  1. Know your food sources

  2. Eat whole foods- foods that remain close to their state in nature

  3. Prepare your own meals

  4. Give gratitude before you eat

  5. Limit processed foods

  6. Eat with intention

  7. Reduce stress around meal time

  8. Avoid leftovers 

  9. Avoid eating 4 hours before bedtime

  10. Create a plate of colorful food- Eat the rainbow

  11. Drink liquids before or after meals, not during

  12. Listen to your body

For those pregnant or planning to become pregnant this is a beautiful time to create an awareness in our relation to food. As we hold space for new life, we also have the opportunity to encourage optimal long term health for mom and baby through food. Take the time to explore what your body and baby are asking for. Make this time your own to discover new ideas, journal what foods you love, what you do not love and what you would like to incorporate more into your diet. For more in depth conversation on food and pregnancy Book a call with me