forty days: sacred window

Postpartum sacred window

Postpartum in Ayurveda, known as "Sutika Paricharya," is a crucial time for a new mother to recover and restore her health and well-being after giving birth. The postpartum period typically lasts for about 42 days, commonly referred to as the "forty days." During this time, Ayurveda provides specific guidelines and practices to support the mother's physical and emotional healing, strengthen her body, and promote optimal lactation and bonding with the baby.


Forty days represents a full cycle of change, it takes forty days to restore from the trauma and fatigue of birth. In Kundalini Yoga, it states that it takes forty days to break a habit.

During the forty day window a mother should be able to nourish herself through rest, diet, herbs and massage. Her space should feel like a cocoon from the outside world. Communicating to loved ones prior to birth your wishes on visits will avoid emotional upset.Limiting visitors for the first six weeks with visit of twenty-thirty minutes each visit. This allows mothers to rest without overstimulating, feeling guilty, and avoid the need to become host.

According to Ayurveda during the forty day sacred window she can change the trajectory of her life.

A mothers brain is rewired during pregnancy and postpartum, all to learn the many tasks of being a mother. Within that, a mothers has the choice to keep certain things and get rid of those she no longer needs. For example, a mama had a traumatic birth. She can, (given the proper support and nourishment) heal her physical and mental trauma around the birth or carry those experiences with her. Creating “her story” with a sense of trauma, fear, anxiety or in peace, joy and love.

The sacred window for most woman in the United States barely gets to open let alone be open for forty days. We rush back into day to day activity brushing off the wounds of labor, fatigue and depletion. We can play a role in our overall health today and the next forty years of life.


Taking pivotal steps with the intention on healing and deliberate action in our daily routine will play a key role in the transformation of our health.

  • Create a postpartum plan with your partner, family and Ayurvedic pp doula.

  • Within your plan: Create your support team- who is cooking, doing daily cleaning, running errands.

  • Create a meal schedule- it is easy to lose track of when you eat and what you drink. Mama’s should be eating within a two hour window and be drinking liquids throughout the day.

  • Create a self-care routine with your postpartum doula and/or partner. Daily Abhyanga (warm oiled massage), belly binding, and herbal baths.

Create a postpartum plan, stay surrounded with love and support and you can recover quicker and remember your postpartum window in a positive way.


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