Healer veggie broth

healer veggie broth

Make this veggie broth and keep on hand to add to soups, stews and my recipes for cold & flu prevention. The base uses a variety of savory ingredients, and is worth the wait. Let the broth deepen in flavor in a simmering pot on the stove or a crock pot overnight.


  • 1 T Avocado or Coconut oil

  • 9-10 c spring water

  • 1 medium onion with skins chopped

  • 1 head of garlic-with skins (i like to roast the whole bulb first)

  • 1-t raw turmeric root

  • 1-t freshly grated ginger

  • 4 medium carrots- with skins

  • 4 stalks of celery

  • 2 c greens- kale, collards, dandelion

  • 1/2 bulb fennel

  • 1/2 parsley

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 1 strip kombu- find it here-Kombu

  • 1 t braggs apple cider vinegar

  • 1 t braggs liquid amino’s

  • pinch of pepper

  • 3-4 t nutritional yeast


    1. Heat a large pot over medium heat. Once hot, add oil, onion, garlic, turmeric root, carrots, celery and fennel

    2. Stir and Season with pepper

    3. Saute for 5 min or until softened and slightly browned

    4. add liquids, greens, parsley, bay leaf, kombu strip and bring to a boil

    5. once boiling, reduce to a simmer, add nutritional yeast.

    6. Cover with lid, leaving a small opening to release steam

    7. Continue cooking for at least 2 hours- preferably all day

    8. if broth is to desired taste, let cool and strain into another pot.

    9. divide between glass mason jars- do not put lids on until completely cool

    10. refrigerate up to 5 days or freezer for one month


roasted carrot soup


benefits of mindful breathing