Morning meals during postpartum are meant to awaken mama’s digestion and ease her into the day. An hour or so after eating a delicious and satisfying iron-rich bowl of stewed fruits I offer these pancakes. Adding Chia seeds and Shatavari to these pancakes supports hormone balance, healing, improves milk quality and production.


1/2 c einkorn flour-sifted

1 T chia seeds

1/2 t cinnamon

1/2 t cardamom

1 t shatavari

1 T ghee

1/2 banana mashed

1/2 t vanilla

1/2 c oat milk

2 eggs

1.In a large bowl mix wet (except the ghee) ingredients together.

2.Slowly sift in flour and the rest of the dry ingredients.

3. Use a large skillet, turn the temperature to medium and add ghee. Add a small drop of water, when it sizzles add 1/4 c of batter.

4. When holes appear on the top of the pancake, flip and wait 2-3 minutes.

5.Serve alone or a small spoonful of maple syrup.

+Please note, in most of the recipes I make all fruits are eaten by themselves. According to Ayurveda fruits can build toxins in the body.So I use sparingly or not at all.


Ayurvedic Wisdom for Postpartum Health


ayurvedic postpartum bars