preparing for motherhood

In the bestselling book THE RED TENT, a fictional retelling of motherhood. The mother of ancient times is treated like a queen in the safety of the ritualistic gathering site for women-the red tent-where for one month, she is not only nurtured, but also honored for the power of her womb that has brought life into the world.

What would life in our current world feel like if we adapted this mentality for women entering motherhood? What if all women had the opportunity to prepare for motherhood holistically (mind, body, spirit) without the stress of external pressures? From what type of birth we will have, to when we need to get our body back in shape and how quickly we need to return back to work. Even when our intuition is telling us this does not feel right to be separated from the bond of our babies!

Culturally, we have lost the tradition of women gathering to support and nourish new mom’s. With rest, proper nutrition, a support group, and bonding time for mom, baby and family we are setting the stage for a healthy foundation.

For most new mom’s, a lamaze class, a lactation class and routine visits to the OBGYN are standard protocol. But what if we knew more, were offered more in the way of education and resources?

If mom and baby are given adequate support for healing during postpartum, both mom and baby will be healthier long term.

If you are early on in pregnancy, a great way to prepare for this journey is to start. Write down what comes up for you in the way of questions and concerns. Start imagining how you want to feel throughout your pregnancy. Do you have a healthy support group? Do you have healthy boundaries for extended friends and family to come visit during postpartum? Who will prepare you nutritious snacks and meals?

If you have a meditation practice, I suggest maintaining it daily. It will help ease uncertainty, keep you grounded and allow you to listen to your body.

If you have not started a meditation practice, there are many easy ways to start.Try one of these- Calm, Headspace.

For more a more personalized plan for your journey into motherhood, join me on a discovery call @


gut health


roasted carrot soup