Daily Routine for better health
Photo Credit: Bimap
According to Dr. Vasant Lad an Ayurvedic Practitioner wrote about the importance of a daily routine to bring radical change in body, mind and consciousness. A daily routine creates a sense of happiness, generates self-esteem and longevity!
Our bodies crave stability and structure and are always seeking ways to feel grounded. Especially during times of transformation, like pregnancy, postpartum, menopause and even the change of season’s. In order to create these systems and promote balance in our life creating routine or as I like to call it-”Rituals” can be beneficial.
Rituals give a sense of consistency and purpose, they promote a feeling of relaxation and even reduce anxiety. In today’s fast-paced world a routine help’s us slow down and create a practice of mindfulness in our daily life.
Not sure where to start?
I always advise my clients to start small-remember, small changes have big impacts. Think about what is important to you and write those things down. Let’s say your morning routine is lacking but you really want to focus there. For my mama’s this is a specially important time to create a routine to feel grounded in pregnancy and prepare for labor.
Try a few weeks of these tips and see how you do:
Wake early (preferably with the Sun)
Say 3 kind words of devotion to yourself: I love myself, I am enough, I am courageous
Drink a full glass of room temp water-try using a copper cup
Splash cold water on face and eyes. Repeat 10 times
Move your body-especially your spine. Try Yoga Poses: Cat/Cow
If time permits, write in a journal about your experience from day one to day fourteen. Did your overall health change, did you notice a difference? Has your relationship to self changed for the better? Once these habits are formed you can adapt more into your daily routine.
Remember to honor your journey with compassion and an open heart. Seek out those who nurture you and help you grow.