This daily self-care ritual will change your life.

I am a big proponent of a daily routine and its many benefits. Research has shown that when we implement routine we see improvement in digestion, sleep, weight management, and stress reduction.

As a health coach and Ayurvedic Postpartum doula I speak with clients about the many benefits creating a daily routine can have on a holistic level. When I am discussing plans for clients whether they are trying to conceive, pregnant, or in the sacred window of Postpartum, I incorporate daily routine with these four pillars: Diet, massage, herbs, and rest.

In Ayurveda, the practice of daily massage with warm oil is called Abhyanga and the word “Sneha” can be translated to mean “oil” &” love”. Abhyanga is meant to saturate the body with feelings of love.

On a holistic level, the idea is to create a mindfulness routine, connection, and gratitude to your body, mind, and spirit. This daily practice balances the doshas and restores balance in the body. It is used to enhance well-being and promote longevity. Are you a believer yet!??

When preparing for Abhyanga, it is important to prepare your surroundings in the bathroom with old towels that you don’t mind getting full of oil. The entire body will be covered with the oil, beginning at the top of the head while using slow, long strokes on the limbs, circular motion on the joints always moving toward the heart, and finishing at the feet.

To set up for Abhyanga, a few things I do to prepare for the massage are to use several towels to ensure you don’t slip, can wipe excess oil off, and cover anything that you don’t want oil on. I recommend lighting candles, using dim lighting, and calming music. The massage is followed bath or shower, I recommend a warm herbal bath to get the full experience.

For new mothers adding Abhyanga to their Postpartum care, is an essential part of healing. Massage can be applied or taught to new mothers that are usually dehydrated internally and externally, exhausted from labor & delivery, and lacking sleep.

When it comes to the type of oils, it is important to use high-quality, organic oils. A great place to start is Banyan Botanicals and take their dosha quiz to find your Ayurvedic Body type.

The benefits of Abhyanga

  • Deep sense of grounding

  • Reduces tension and stress

  • Promotes circulation

  • Improves sleep

  • Healthy vision

  • Graceful Aging & reduction of wrinkles

  • Lustrous Hair

  • Firm, strong limbs

    As we approach the end of the year, this is a beautiful practice to start implementing. Try this deeply nourishing practice and let me know how you like it!

    References: Inner Sun& Moon, Banyan Botanicals


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Daily Routine for better health