weekly market list part 1

One of my favorite things in life is being prepared. No joke, my partner would roll his eyes at how true this statement is! All joking aside, we just eat better when we are prepared and have food readily available. Especially during a busy work , running the kids to school or during pregnancy when you don’t feel like thinking about what to eat.

For me, Sunday has always been Farmers Market and meal prep for the week (if I can help it). Remember, choose what’s in season whenever possible. When I plan weekly meals I think about how many different ways I can use one product. If I buy a ton of vegetables, how many different ways can I prepare them throughout the week. My “go-to” recipes usually include-vegetable soups, layered salads and wraps with left over roasted veggies. See below a typical weekly list.



  • Grains: Wild Rice, Oats, Buckwheat

  • Legumes: Lentils, Chic peas, Mung Beans

  • Seeds: Sunflower, Pumpkin, Hemp, Chia, Quinoa

  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Cauliflower, Kale, Arugula

  • Kefir yogurts

  • Olives

  • Nuts: Almond, Walnuts, Cashews

  • Variety of Mushrooms

  • Root Vegetables: Yams, Onions, Sweet potatoes, Ginger, Garlic, Fennel

  • Cheeses- I try to buy goat and sheep’s milk in small batches

  • Nut milk

  • Avocado

  • Citrus: Lemons, Limes

  • Stone Fruits if in season: Plums, Peaches, Mangoes

This list varies from week to week. Typically I keep a core outline of fresh fruits and veggies that I need to restock by week’s end.

I always build my list off what I can prep on Sunday’s to get me started for the week. Chopping any fruits and veggies, sauté onions and mushrooms, making legumes and rices ahead of time and preparing. Plus any salad dressings or sauces. See Meal prep blog for more information.


Roasting Favorites