Roasting Favorites

I am a huge fan of roasting, its easy-plain and simple. But also, veggies turn into a savory treat to accompany any meal.

Typically, I grab as many veggies as I can, place them on parchment paper on a covered tray, drizzle with Olive oil. Good cooking with good salt and pepper. Be mindful you do not want to over cook and char/burn your veggies. They can form a carcinogenic like benzopyrene (think of whats found in cigarette smoke).


ideas for roasting

  • Fennel

  • Carrots

  • Tomaotes

  • Sweet Potato

  • Cauliflower

  • Onions/Shallots

  • Garlic

Depending on the season, I switch up what I use given whats available. In the winter time, even though I live in Los Angeles and it doesn’t get very cold, I switch out my choice to mostly root vegetables. Beets, Carrots, onions, Celeriac, Parsnips to name a few. Root vegetables are grounding- think of where they grow, during times of transition or I am feeling ungrounded, anxious I move towards grounding veggies.

The key is to incorporate, explore and enjoy using a variety of vegetables as much as possible in your weekly menu. You can add different vinegars, like the reduced balsamic above. See what you are drawn to and how you can involve you family-especially the young ones!


Golden milk


weekly market list part 1